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Solved Drag and drop not working in Sound Forge 10

Drag and drop not working in Sound Forge 10 was created by Fire Marshal Bill

Posted 30 Jun 2020 13:30 #1
I have a PC and a laptop with Sound Forge 10 on them. On my laptop, I can drag and drop audio files into the blank SF window. However, I am unable to do so on my PC. I have tried everything, to no avail. I want to be able to drag and drop on my PC. Even if there is a way to migrate the preferences from the laptop to the PC, that might solve this issue for me. Any ideas? TIA.
Last Edit:30 Jun 2020 22:50 by Fire Marshal Bill

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Replied by DoctorZen on topic Drag and drop not working in Sound Forge 10

Posted 30 Jun 2020 22:54 #2
Hi Fire Marshal Bill - Welcome to the MSZ Forum :)

The problem you are describing is normally caused by a Windows File Permissions problem, not Sound Forge.

What I suggest you try, is to start Sound Forge in Administrator Mode.
Close Sound Forge.
Right-click the program icon on your desktop and select Run As Administrator.
Now try to drag and drop.
This will give you maximum file control permissions.

If that does not work, try re-booting your computer first, then repeat the steps above.

Let me know how you go.

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Replied by Fire Marshal Bill on topic Drag and drop not working in Sound Forge 10

Posted 01 Jul 2020 00:25 #3
Thanks for the quick response, Derek. I had already tried launching it as Admin numerous times over the past few days. No change. But, now that you have brought up the idea of Windows File Permissions, let me turn my attention that way. I had matched the preferences from my laptop setting by setting, to no avail. In the meantime, please let me know if you get any other ideas. I want to make a backup image of the PC but want this issue to be resolved before I do so. It's already overdue. BTW, I have rebooted many times and I do shut my PC off every night...this has been happening across reboots. Thanks.

BTW, if this means anything, I tried to paste an audio file into a blank window and the Paste to New option is greyed out.
Last Edit:01 Jul 2020 05:10 by Fire Marshal Bill

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Replied by DoctorZen on topic Drag and drop not working in Sound Forge 10

Posted 01 Jul 2020 11:43 #4
A simple way to fix this, is to just not use Drag & Drop and import using the traditional menu functions instead.

I have experienced these types of problems in the past myself.
Every time it ended up being caused by a Windows File Permission problem.

I did find this forum post, but I'm not sure if it will actually help.

Specifically, this is what I discovered:
Files that were created/added to an older version of Windows OR a different computer OR a previous install of Windows (where I had to re-install Windows), have permission tags attached to them from the older install of Windows.

Every time you do a clean install of Windows and then copy all your files back onto the new Hard Drive from a backup (different) Hard Drive, the Security settings for each User from the previous install remain. When some programs see these "orphaned" User security tags, it blocks the files from being imported using Drag and Drop.

I will warn you now, that trying to fix this means going down a rabbit hole, that may drive you to complete insanity !!!!!!!!!!!
At least that's what happened to me when I fixed this problem.

I don't have any examples to show you, because I have cleaned and reset all the files on my Hard Drives.
However, this is were you need to look...

Right-click on one of the folders that contain files you want to drag & drop into Sound Forge.
Select Properties and go to the Security tab.
If you have files that have old USER security tags attached, you will see a User with a long string of random characters.
These old user security settings need to be deleted.
This can be done in bulk, by going back to the Master folder in your folder collection and applying the changes to all child folders.

The first step is to press the Edit button and make sure the User have Full control.

To go deeper, you need to press the Advanced button.
From this point on, it can get incredibly complex, so you will have to experiment with settings by yourself.

One of the simple things I remembered doing, was adding Everyone as a User and setting Everyone to Full Control.
However, it is not always that simple.
To go deeper if you need to, you will need to do some deep Google searches and find article on how to change Windows File Permissions.

Upgrade to new Sound Forge 14
I'm not sure how Sound Forge 10 works on Windows 10 ?????
If you are on Windows 10 now, it might be worth downloading the free trial for Sound Forge Pro 14 and see if that fixes the problem.
ℹ️ Remember to turn everything off at least once a week, including your brain, then sit somewhere quiet and just chill out.
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Last Edit:01 Jul 2020 11:48 by DoctorZen


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Replied by Fire Marshal Bill on topic Drag and drop not working in Sound Forge 10

Posted 01 Jul 2020 13:12 #5
Well, the bizarre thing is that I used the same Windows 10 DVD to image both the HP PC and the HP laptop and used the same Sound Forge 10 installer on both, duplicating every step to a T, but it works on the laptop flawlessly!!!

It is the EXACT, identical problem as seen here under the same circumstances: www.magix.info/us/forum/drag-and-drop-not-working--1198058/

He even has a laptop where it works perfectly!!

The other option is to open the file within SF but for the amount I use, it is tedious.

I also tried the registry xi at: www.magix.info/us/forum/drag-and-drop-not-working--1198058/ to no avail. :-(
Last Edit:01 Jul 2020 19:00 by Fire Marshal Bill

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Replied by Fire Marshal Bill on topic Drag and drop not working in Sound Forge 10

Posted 02 Jul 2020 11:29 #6
Okay, I have given up! :-( I have tried everything! Totally frustrating, especially when it works fine on my laptop. If anyone finds a solution, please post. Thanks.

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Replied by DoctorZen on topic Drag and drop not working in Sound Forge 10

Posted 02 Jul 2020 13:39 #7
As I said before, I recommend you download the free trial for Sound Forge Pro 14 and see if it works OK.

Your main problem is that Sound Forge 10 is old software, so there is no real support for it anymore.
If you want to pursue this any further, I recommend you post on the official Magix Forums.
Sony sold 95% of it's software to Magix over 4 years ago, so they are the owners now.
The Sound Forge community on the official forums, is much bigger there than here.


All the best :)
ℹ️ Remember to turn everything off at least once a week, including your brain, then sit somewhere quiet and just chill out.
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Last Edit:31 Dec 2020 10:34 by DoctorZen
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fire Marshal Bill

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Replied by TanguyF on topic Drag and drop not working in Sound Forge 10

Posted 31 Oct 2021 13:03 #8
Hi. I just created am account to give you this solution that worked with me today. I've been looking for an issue for years and just got it so i wanted to share it with you ;-)

I know it's in Brasilian but NO WORRIES....just follow the Video advice and you'll be fine.

It worked like a charm for me :-)

Good luck....I knowhow annoying it can be when you're working and can't Drag and Drop ;-)

by TanguyF
The following user(s) said Thank You: DoctorZen

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Replied by DoctorZen on topic Drag and drop not working in Sound Forge 10

Posted 31 Oct 2021 15:08 #9
Hi Tanguy

I am the Moderator for this forum.
Thank you for posting this solution!
Your new forum posts were in moderation, which is why you could not see them publicly.
There was a warning message that explained this, but no one ever reads it.

The solution is to open RegEdit and go to this address:
Then set EnableLUA = 0

Thanks once again for this. I'm sure it will help many people :)
ℹ️ Remember to turn everything off at least once a week, including your brain, then sit somewhere quiet and just chill out.
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