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Solved Reset time at markers

  • mozart
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Reset time at markers was created by mozart

Posted 30 Oct 2017 07:17 #1
Is it possible to reset the time to zero at any marker?
Last Edit:02 Nov 2017 11:55 by mozart

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Replied by DoctorZen on topic Reset time at markers

Posted 30 Oct 2017 16:27 #2
Hi Mozart

If I am understanding correctly what you are asking, the answer is no.

There is only one marker that can ever be at zero and that is the marker placed at ZERO on the timeline.
Any other marker pass the zero point along the timeline is obviously not at zero.
If you want to move a Marker back to zero, drag it there.

Please explain in more detail if you mean something else and upload a screen of your timeline if that will help.

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Last Edit:30 Oct 2017 16:29 by DoctorZen

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Replied by mozart on topic Reset time at markers

Posted 30 Oct 2017 22:42 #3
Obviously clarification is needed. I am a symphony conductor, editing my own concert recordings and creating DVDs. I set a "marker" at the start and end of each movement for easy access to all sections of the concert on the DVD disk. I'd like to reset the running time to zero at various markers, so I can quickly locate points within some markers I need to hear repeatedly. My other issue is synchronizing the independently recorded higher quality audio to the camera audio. I currently zoom in and line up the extra audio track by eye measurement. --Thanks!
Last Edit:30 Oct 2017 22:48 by mozart

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Replied by DoctorZen on topic Reset time at markers

Posted 31 Oct 2017 17:37 #4
Please provide me with more information and then I will be able to help much faster.

Which exact version of Vegas are you using ?

Have you been adding the Marker Points in Vegas or DVD Architect ?

Normally it is easier to add them in Vegas and render them into the video file with Vegas - when you import the video/s into DVD Architect, the Markers will automatically appear. Markers can also be added using DVD Architect.

So I can understand precisely what you are trying to achieve, I need to see a screen shot of your Timeline in Vegas or DVD Architect, that shows ALL your Marker Points. I have an image in my head of what you are trying to do, but I need to see it for real to give you a precise answer.

If you don't know how to take a screen shot and upload it to the forum, I have instructions listed here:

The oldest and simplest way to sync audio and video, is to do what Hollywood has been doing since the beginning of time.
After you have started recording with all your recording devices, clap your hands once or twice.
This creates a definite spike in the Audio Waveform, which makes it much easier to line up and sync all your audio sources.

There is more I can tell you, after I find out which exact version of Vegas you are using.

There is also a professional app you can buy, which will automatically sync all your files for you.
It is called Plural Eyes, but it you would also need Vegas Pro to integrate it into the program.
Plural Eyes does not work with Vegas Movie Studio.
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Replied by mozart on topic Reset time at markers

Posted 31 Oct 2017 20:25 #5
Movie Studio Platinum 12 Suite, 64 bit. I attached my timeline screenshot. Clapping just before the music is not really possible at a live classical music concert. On the sync issue, I was just wondering if there is a more precise way to zoom in.
by mozart

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Replied by DoctorZen on topic Reset time at markers

Posted 31 Oct 2017 21:47 #6
Thanks for the screen shot, because I thought you may have been trying to do something more complex than I initially thought.

On the sync issue, I was just wondering if there is a more precise way to zoom in.

Use the wheel on your Mouse to Zoom In.
You can actually zoom right down to the Frame by Frame level if needed.

I can see a mistake on your timeline which you definitely need to fix !
Your first 4 marker points are not in order.
It goes 2, 1, 4, 3
You have also forgotten to place a Marker at Zero - this is extremely important !
You will basically have to re-do all your Markers - take a note of the Time-stamp for each marker, if you want to do this quickly.

It should look like this instead:

Side note:
If you want the highest quality Video, you should really be making Blu-ray discs instead - only Blu-ray supports HD video.
DVD only supports Standard Definition video.

I don't know which of my tutorials you have already watched, so I will tell you the method I would use to get to the next steps.
I recommend manually rendering your video and audio files separately and then importing them yourself into DVD Architect.
To achieve what you are asking, you can create a Scene Selection Menu in DVD Architect.
The Scene Selection Menu will be generated from the Marker Points you added in Vegas.
Scene One = Marker 1 to Marker 2
Scene Two = Marker 2 to Marker 3

First render your video file and make sure to save Markers with file.
Go to File/Render As
Make sure to set the Output Folder location correctly before you start rendering (top of screen).
Select Mainconcept MPEG-2 & DVD Architect NTSC Widescreen video stream
Go to Metadata options and turn on Save Project Markers.
Press Render

Next you will render the Audio only track.
If your high quality audio recording was recorded to .WAV file format (un-compressed audio), I would recommend you also render to .WAV format to put on your DVD or Blu-ray disc. There is nothing wrong with using the standard Dolby format, but .WAV format uses a significantly higher Bit Rate, which equals higher quality audio.

Go to File/Render As
If you want to use the standard Dolby output, use these settings:

If you want to use super high quality .WAV audio, use these settings:

After you have rendered a separate audio and video file, you can open DVD Architect Studio
Before you begin, make sure DVDA is set to 16:9 output for Menu Screen.
Go to Options/Preferences/Preview and set Aspect Ratio = 16:9

Go to File/New
Set your project properties to look like this:
If you decide to use standard Dolby Audio, set to AC-3
If you decide to use .WAV uncompressed audio, set to PCM

The next step will import your video file into DVD Architect.
Right-click on top of Untitled and select Insert Media
Navigate to Documents/Movie Studio 12 Project - then find your project folder and select the .mpg video file.
Please note you do not have to insert the Audio file as well - DVD Architect will automatically do this for you.

Now you can create your Scene Selection Menu
Right-click on top of the video file and select Insert Scene Selection Menu

You will then be asked how many Scenes (thumbnails) you want placed on each Menu Screen.
6 scenes is the default amount - you can increase this to include all the scenes you have on one page, however the more scenes you have, the smaller the thumbnails will become. Experiment and see what works best for you. Remember you can use CTRL + Z to go back as many steps as you like and try different settings.

In my example project, I have one video and 5 scene selection chapters.
To create Main Menu do this:
First drag main video onto the Main Menu screen - this automatically creates a playable thumbnail.
Next drag Scene Selection (Page 1) also onto the menu screen - you can add a custom thumbnail or just set to Text only (right-click for settings).

If you double-click Scene Selection on Main Menu, you will see that it goes to a new Scene Selection Menu screen.
From here, you can name each chapter/scene and play them individually.
Please note that the default setting will make each scene play one after the other, after you press select a scene.

Remember to use the PREVIEW function to preview video and menu structure !

One final thing before I stop for now.
You will probably want to add a HOME button on the Scene Selection Menu screen, so you can return to Main Menu.
Go to Button menu and make sure to set the SAME as this.
Drag back button (or anything you like) onto the Scene Menu.

Then press on top of arrow and go to Button Properties / Action
Set destination = Menu 1

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The following user(s) said Thank You: vkmast

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  • mozart
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Replied by mozart on topic Reset time at markers

Posted 31 Oct 2017 22:48 #7
Your reply is most appreciated. I am and have been making making Blu-ray disks and I got my first instructions from a tech support supervisor at Sony five years ago when I bought the suite (she loved Mozart.) She told me to use Main Concept MPeg 2 *.m2v video files and Sony 48k audio *.w64 files. I use the markers only to set the rendering loop from the timeline. I import the m2v files into Architect. To create the disks she sent me the attached PDF. I have used some of your tutorials to learn about the work space and various tools and shortcuts.

I have also attached a screenshot of my Blu-Ray layout on Architect. I only use one page.
Last Edit:01 Nov 2017 02:47 by mozart

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Replied by vkmast on topic Reset time at markers

Posted 31 Oct 2017 22:55 #8
A great tutorial as always from the good Doc. It's a pity you cannot renumber markers in MSPs like in VPros. See here
But this post from 2008 seems to be still valid, at least re DVDA Studio 5.
by vkmast

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