VEGAS Pro 22
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Q: How do I install all the Bonus Music and Plugins for Movie Studio Suite 13?

Answer: I will show you below how I installed and organised all the bonus music and plugins that come with Movie Studio Suite 13.

Boxed Version

If you bought the boxed version of the Movie Studio Suite 13, you should have 2x installation discs. Disc 1 should have actual the programs on it and Disc 2 contains the Music and Bonus Features. To get the music folders and files onto your computer, manually open the disc and look through the folders. Then drag & drop them into a new folder on your computer that makes sense to you. Further below in this article I explain how I organised my music folders.

Download Version

I always buy the Downloadable version of anything I buy from Sony Creative Software. This is much more convenient than waiting for a box to arrive in the mail. Below is a screen shot from my Sony Account, showing all the Downloads that come with Movie Studio Suite 13.

Downloadable Content

Downloadable Software

Let's start with Downloadable Software.
Besides the obvious downloads that have blue buttons, make sure you also use the smaller download links for Vocal Eraser plugin, Boris Continuum Units and NewBlueFX. I have seen many people miss these links. 

Downloadable Content and organizing Folders

All your Downloadable Content in the bottom section, needs to be stored in folders that make sense to you. Your Sony programs cannot auto detect any of the actual music files I have listed below. Treat these folders the same as you would any other media files like Videos, Music and Pictures. This means you can drag & drop these media files into the program, use Add Media function or access via the Explorer tab. If you set up your folders similar to below, it is easier to browse all your new music files via the Explorer tab.

On my computer I have created custom folders inside My Documents.
I created a Master folder called Music Library and Acid Loops and then extracted all the zipped download files inside of here and then kept them inside their sub-folders.
My sub-folders include all of the following:
Loops & Songs
Sound Sets & Songs
Sound Effects
50 Production Music Tracks
Sound Series Loop Sampler

How to Preview Audio Files ?

Turn ON Auto-Play/Preview and than press on top of each file to listen.
Please note: this will work immediately for any Audio files, however if you wish to Preview Video or Picture files, you will need to turn on the Trimmer Window. Go to View/Window/Trimmer. You can re-size this to whatever size you like and can even DOCK the window.

Explorer tab

Extra Plugins

The next group of downloads which are not music files, includes the following:
Studio Devil British Valve Custom
True Pianos Amber lite software
Both of these are small plugins for Acid Studio and Sound Forge.


The final group are your tutorials. I have them saved in a folder on my computer called Training.
Movie Studio Jump start tutorials
Sound Forge Audio Studio tutorials


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