Q: I just installed New Blue Titler EX that came with Sony Movie Studio Suite and it is not working properly?
Answer: Checking for newer build versions of the New Blue Titler EX installer should fix this problem.
If you bought a boxed version of Sony Movie Studio Suite and it came with New Blue Titler EX, more than likely it will be an old and out-dated version of the app. This is because boxed versions of programs often sit on shelves for many months or years and can become out of date very quickly. As soon as you install the original versions of your apps and programs from a disk, you need to check for free build version updates and install them. Newer build versions will contain bug fixes to problems that weren't known about when the disk was created.
Open Movie Studio Platinum and go to Media Generators.
Find New Blue Titler EX and drag the Preset onto timeline.
Go to Help in the Titler menu and select Check for Updates.
If an update is available, download and install it. Make sure to turn Movie Studio off before attempting to install.
Check your Graphics Card
New Blue Titler EX also requires a dedicated Graphics Card to work properly. If you do not have a compatible graphics card installed in your computer, the Titler will not work. You need an Nvidia or AMD Radeon graphics card.