VEGAS Pro 22
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If you are using any version of Sony Movie Studio or Sony Vegas Pro, then you must install Apple Quicktime.

Otherwise you will have problems importing, playing and rendering Apple video formats like Quicktime.

MP4 Video Playback on Windows Computers and potential Audio Sync issues

Also in this video, I talk about an Audio Synchronization problem which can occur sometimes with mp4's after they have been rendered in Sony Vegas Movie Studio. When playing back the video on a Windows PC, the Audio goes out of sync "sometimes". I discovered that this random problem is being caused by a setting in Apple Quicktime, that refers ONLY to PC's. So I show how to fix this problem.


Apple Quicktime must be installed on the same computer you have Movie Studio or Vegas Pro installed on. This is a prerequisite of both programs and is listed in the minimum requirements. Apple Quicktime is needed in case you are working with Apple Video Codecs and Formats. This applies to all versions of Movie Studio 13 an older and Vegas Pro 13 and older. Vegas Pro 14 no longer requires Quicktime and hopefully the same will be true when Movie Studio 14 is released.

Important update about Apple Quicktime

Apple has dropped support for Quicktime on Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 computers. If you try to install the latest version of Quicktime 7.7.9 on Windows 10/8.1, it may not work. The solution is to install Quicktime 7.6, which will work.

If you are still using Windows Vista or Windows 7, Quicktime 7.7.9 should work OK for you. If you experience any problems at all, the best solution is to install Quicktime 7.6.

April 2016 Security Vulnerability Announced

In April 2016, some security vulnerabilities were discovered in Apple Quicktime.

There is no need to panic about this development. From all the available information that I have read, the problem is only with the actual Quicktime player and not with the codecs that get installed with QT. The security flaws can only be activated if you tried to play a .mov video file in QT that is infected. Editing with .mov video files in Vegas Pro and Movie Studio will not infect your computer. All you have to do is STOP playing videos with Quicktime and use a different media player. If you are super worried, delete the quicktimeplayer.exe file from your computer and then nothing bad can happen.

Movie Studio Minimum System Requirements

Statement from the Sony Creative Software website, indicates that Apple Quicktime is a requirement

qt requirements statement


Buy the latest version of Vegas Pro here !

VEGAS Pro 22



About Derek Moran
Derek Moran is the author of all articles on Movie Studio Zen.
You can find me on YouTube, FacebookTwitterRead more about Derek...


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