VEGAS Pro 22
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In this tutorial I will explain how you can speed up your Renderng Times when using Sony Vegas Pro 11 or Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11.

I think I could safely say that everyone and anyone who has ever done any Video Editing would love to see their Rendering Times be much faster than what they can currently achieve.

Rendering times are directly influenced by some of these main factors:

#1 The speed of your CPU "Central Processing Unit", GPU "Graphics Processing Unit" or "Graphics Card" and your Hard Drives and SSD if you are using one.

#2 The type of Project you are rendering. Theoretically a 360p or 480p Standard Definition Video should take a lot less time to render than a 720p or 1080p HD Video project. Also the amount of Transitions, Effects and Layers in your project is also going to influence your rendering times.

#3 The third factor can be controlled by the Power Settings inside your Windows 7 or Vista Operating System. Power Settings are accessed by opening up the Control Panel. Quite often Laptops come pre-configured with the CPU Power Settings delibrately throttled back to extend the life of a charged battery. In my video tutorial I am going to show you how to set your CPU Speed to 100%, so that you can get faster rendering times.

#4 The fourth factor can be controlled by the type of Video Codec you choose to render to. I have found that Sony AVC .mp4 or Main Concept .mp4 templates produce the fastest rendering times. Windows Media Video .wmv is probably the slowest.

Please watch my video and I will show you exactly how to change your settings in Sony Vegas Pro 11 and Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11, to get the best rendering times.


Buy the latest version of Vegas Pro here !

VEGAS Pro 22



About Derek Moran
Derek Moran is the author of all articles on Movie Studio Zen.
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