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The Star Wars Credit Roll Effect can be created using the New Blue Titler EX which comes with Sony Movie Studio Platinum 12 Suite & Imagination Studio 4.

To be able to create a perspective point that moves into infinity, you need to be able to tilt the video plane backwards. Under normal conditions this can only be achieved using Sony Vegas Pro, because only Vegas Pro can move the video plane in the X, Y and Z axis. Whereas all Movie Studio video editing programs, can only move the video plane in the X and Y axis.

Fortunately for Sony Movie Studio Platinum 12 Suite and Imagination Studio 4 users, you can utlilize the New Blue Titler EX to create the "perspective look".

I have created a short "Star Wars" inspired Sci-Fi film made using the New Blue Titler Ex and Sony Movie Studio Platinum 12 Suite, which shows the Star Wars Credit Roll effect in action. You may like to watch the example film first and then watch the tutorial video second.

All the instructions showing how to create the Star Wars Credit Roll effect are in the tutorial video.

▼▼▼ Short Film ▼▼▼
Star Wars - Episode: Temporal Paradox 2014




About Derek Moran
Derek Moran is the author of all articles on Movie Studio Zen.
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