VEGAS Pro 22
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This tutorial is for people using a Canon Standard Definition Video Camera who would like to learn how to download the video files so that the Meta Data is retained.

I have found that it is better to use the Imagemixer Software that comes with the camera to download your videos into your computer, because it converts the raw MOD files from the camera into MPEG2 - which is a far friendly format to use when playing back and editing. By using the software, all your meta data is also preserved which makes it a lot easier to keep track of when your video was shot.

Trying to work with MOD files, is NOT the way you should be doing it. It will make things far more difficult for you when it comes to editng the video. Quite often if you just drag the raw MOD files from the camera into your computer, you will loose the correct Aspect Ratio the video was shot in.

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