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Diagnosing any problem with Sony Vegas Pro or Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum can be extremely frustrating at times, however a methodical approach is the best way.

Experience has shown me that 90% of problems that people encounter are mainly due to user error. Quite often one tiny little icon or internal setting has been activated my mistake, which can then cause a seemingly very large problem with your entire Vegas project.

The next thing people start to do is hurl abuse at the program and their computer and start believing their world is coming to an end. If you stay calm and be methodical most problems can be worked out fairly quickly when you supply the right information to the Doctor.

SPECIAL UPDATE for 2016!!!

I have created a new and improved tutorial on this topic. Please follow the link below.
#11 Sony Vegas Zen Tips: How To Troubleshoot Problems with Vegas And Movie Studio

Screen Captures

The best way for a fast diagnosis of any problem is to show and tell an expert as much information as possible about your problem and the configuration of your computer. Being able to see exactly what your Vegas Desktop, Settings and Computer Configuration look like is a great step in the right direction.

The best way to do this is by learning how to create Screen Shots of the most important settings in Vegas. Buried within Windows 7 and Vista are two free programs you can use to create screen shots - the Snipping Tool and Paint. Watch my video tutorial right now and I will show you just how easy it is to take screen shots so that you can then email them to me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or another person who has some experience working with Sony Creative Software.

Video Screen Capture

A Video Screen Capture is the best way to show anyone what you are doing on your computer. Video Screen Capture software needs to be bought separately just like Sony Vegas. There are countless different programs you can choose from to perform this task. So at the end of my video tutorial I share with you some of the programs I have used and would recommend for you to try out.

Here is my top four choices for you to try out if you are interested:
My Screen Recorder
My Screen Recorder Pro

If you do end up making a Video Screen Capture of Vegas for me, then all you have to do next is upload it to YouTube. You have the option of making the video private if you would like, in which case you then need to send me a direct link.




About Derek Moran
Derek Moran is the author of all articles on Movie Studio Zen.
You can find me on YouTube, FacebookTwitterRead more about Derek...


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