Now is the BEST time to upgrade to Vegas Pro 19, if you have been thinking about it.
The BLACK FRIDAY / WEEK sale, means there is an extra discount right now.
Vegas Pro 14 to Vegas Pro 19 should be a significant upgrade for you.
I do recommend you download the free trial first and make sure it works on your computer!!!
You will need Windows 10 and a dedicated Nvidia or AMD Radeon graphics card, to get the most out of version 19, because it is fully GPU accelerated now.
I have a full break down of the different versions available here and direct links to the sales pages.
If you are only interested in Vegas Pro by itself, then VEGAS Edit 19 is the version you should look at.
Vegas Pro 19 is the same as Vegas Edit 19, but it comes with extra programs and apps.
The subscription versions come with any more features, hence the slighter higher prices.
ℹ️ Remember to turn everything off at least once a week, including your brain, then sit somewhere quiet and just chill out.
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