VEGAS Pro 22
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Q: How to find Missing Media Files for my Vegas Projects ?

Answer: Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum and Vegas Pro both have an inbuilt automated tool which can help you find missing media for an existing project if you accidentally change a file location or deliberately change a file location out of necessity.

Sometimes a hard drive may become full on your computer and many of your folders have to be moved to a new hard drive location. Quite often when you do "tidy ups" on your computer it is easy to forget just how many media files may be pointing back to an archived or existing Vegas Project. It's not until months later that you may open a favourite project up, only to be greeted with a message saying that the files are missing.

In the following screen shots I will show you how to recover your missing media files and how to restore them into your project and do a fresh re-save to fix the problem permanently. The example I will show you is where you have to shift a large amount of media files to a different storage Hard Drive.

Step 1 - You have just moved your Media Files or discovered some files are missing


Step 2 - You Open up an Existing Project and are greeted with this message

change-file-location-2"Search for missing file" is the best choice for a general search of your Hard Drives

change-file-location-3Select which Drive you think the missing files should be located ON


change-file-location-5On completion of the initial Search, the first piece of missing media will show in the results. Press on top of the "name of the file" and select OK

change-file-location-6Quite often most of the missing media will be loctaed in the exact same location as the first piece of media which was found. Select "Yes to All" and Vegas will very quickly collect up all the other files without having yourself to go check for each one - one at a time.

change-file-location-7Here you can see in my example project that Vegas found three missing files after I selected "Yes to All"

If there are more missing files to be found from a different location on your computer, Vegas will go back to the Search Windows shown above and ask you to select a new location to search. If after searching ALL your Hard Drives there is still missing media - you can safely now assume that you must have deleted these missing files by accident. Now it is time to breathe slowly and accept the mistake you have done, and then try to learn from this painful lesson.

Step 3 - Use Second Search Method if you know exactly where the missing media files should be located


change-file-location-9Navigate to the exact folder you have moved your media to.

Step 4 - MOST IMPORTANT FINAL STEP is to now SAVE your Project so that the new file locations are now recorded permanently with your Project Files



change-file-location-12Make sure you select YES to "replacing the project file.


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