VEGAS Pro 22
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Q: Why does Vegas Pro and Vegas Movie Studio crash when I try to Import a Video ?

Answer: There is no easy way to answer this question and one particular sized shoe definitely will not fit everyone in regards to the solutions. The only way I can enlighten you about this error, is to ask some questions and give you some tips. Hopefully you can then narrow down which element is the problem child.

Have you installed the latest build version for Vegas ?

Magix is continually releasing new build version updates for Vegas Pro and Vegas Movie Studio. Each time a new build is released, it will contain many bug fixes and new features. Sometimes updating your software will fix annoying crashes.

To find which build version you currently have installed, open Vegas and go to Help/About.

You can download the latest build versions directly from Movie Studio Zen in the FAQ section here.

Do you know which Video Codec/Format the Video is in ?

The number one cause of failure to import video is due to non-compatible video codecs with Vegas Pro or Movie Studio. Vegas Pro and Movie Studio do not support every video codec in the known Universe. The main reason is because many specialized video codecs have licensing fees attatched to them. If Vegas supported every video codec, it would add greatly to the cost of the software. There are two solutions to this problem.

#1 Convert your video into a Vegas friendly codec/format.

#2 Record your original videos using a different codec/format.

Click here for another article which explains more about which codecs/formats Vegas Pro and Movie Studio support.
Do you know why I can't Import some .avi files to Vegas Pro or Movie Studio ?

Try Re-booting your Computer first !

If you have been doing a lot of editing over many hours, then it is often a good idea to SAVE and do a RE-BOOT of your computer before you attempt to Render a Video. This will clean out your memory and give you a clean slate.

Clean the Vegas Pro or Movie Studio Platinum Program Cache

Sometimes mysterious alien artifacts can build up inside the hidden program cache and caused bizarre behaviour. Do the following to clean out the Cache and Reset the program. Please note that this will reset the desktop display for the program.

Hold down the CTRL and SHIFT keys on your keyboard, and at the same time double click the program icon on your desktop to boot the program.

Select Delete Cache and Yes

The cache is now cleaned.

Are you using a bought copy or pirated copy of Vegas ?

If you're using a pirated copy of ANY version of Sony Vegas, then go no further - you've probably just discovered why Vegas is not working properly. Over the last 18 months, I have noticed that Sony Creative Software has become a lot more vigilent in updating all current versions of their programs. Vegas Pro 11 for example has already had four different free Build Versions released in the last four months at the time of writing this article.

Are you running the latest Build versions of Vegas Pro or Movie Studio ?

Over the last 18 months, I have noticed that Sony Creative Software has become a lot more vigilent in updating all current versions of their programs. Vegas Pro 11 for example has already been updated 4 times now since release in October 2011 with tons of bug fixes - it is the beginning of March 2012 at the time of writing this.
Here is the link to Sony Vegas Updates

Are you using the 32bit or 64bit version ?

Trying to edit 1080-30p or 1080-60p HD Video on a computer only running a 32 bit Operating System, can push the computer to breaking point if it has a slower and older Processor (CPU) and not enough memory.
Using the 64 bit version of Sony Vegas Pro on a 64 bit Operating System, with a 8+GB's of memory installed and using a fast 4, 6 or 8 Core CPU will make a dramatic difference in what Vegas can handle with ease. I personally use an Intel i7-2600k CPU with 16GB's of memory - this setup has been working well with Vegas Pro 11 and Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11.

Which version of Windows are you using ?

Windows 7 64 bit Operating System is defintitely the best and most stable version of Windows that Microsoft has ever built. If yoo are still trying to use Windows XP, then it rreally is time to update now !

Do your Project Properties match the video you are importing ?

If the frame rate set in your Project Properties doesn't match the frame rate of the video you are Importing, it can cause big problems "sometimes". If you are Importing 50 or 60 fps video and set Vegas to 25 or 30 fps, then that's OK because it's a neat halving of numbers. However, if you import 30 fps and have Vegas set to 25 fps, this can cause a big slow down in the Preview Window. Keep the numbers neat and Vegas will work well.

Do you have the GPU Acceleration turned ON or OFF ?

Many people that have reported problems with using the new GPU Acceleration feature in Vegas Pro and Movie Studio, have simply turned off the GPU accelerator in the Preferences - Video TAB. I will explain more below.

Is you Graphics Card capatible ?

Only particular Graphics Cards "GPU's" are compatible with the new Vegas Pro rendering engine.
If you go to this link here at Sony Creative Sofware, it gives a full explanation of what works and what doesn't.

Have you installed the latest Driver for your GPU ?

Go to the manufacturers website for your Graphics Card and make sure to download and install the latest stable Drivers. Most websites keep a history list of all the different versions. If you install one particular version and it then makes your PC do weird things, the you can always restore Windows or your Driver back to the previous version that worked.


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